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Write explanatory notes on Thin layer Chromatography ( TLC). Or What is thin layer chromatography? What are its advantages?

In this technique, a solid adsorbent such as alumina or silica gel is mixed with a little binder such as hydrated calcium sulphate or starch. It is then spread as a thin layer on a glass plate or plastic sheet. The plate thus formed is known as chromatoplate. By means of a fine capillary solution of the sample to be analysed is applied on chromatoplate and then dried. Then it is allowed to stand in a jar containing solvent and covered with lid. After some time spots are located either through naked eye or by applying suitable reagent.
                                                    Principle of thin layer chromatography is the same as that of paper chromatography.

Advantage of Thin layer chromatography :

1. It is a very rapid process as compared to paper chromatography.
2. It is useful for large number of sample separations.
3. In this method sharpe spots are obtained while in paper chromatography diffused spots are formed.
4. In this method, even a solution containing acid or alkali can be separated whereas paper chromatography can not be used for such solution.

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