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How many postulates of quantum mechanics ?

There are four postulates of quantum mechanics:-

 For any possible state of a system, there is a function,
, of the coordinates of the parts of the system and time that completely describes the system.
For a single particle described by Cartesian coordinates, we can write

                                                              Psi = psi(x,y,z,t)
 For every dynamical variable (classical observable) there is a corresponding operator.

 The permissible values that a dynamical variable may have are those given by αφ = aφ, where φ is the eigenfunction of the operator α that corresponds to the observable whose permissible values are a.
This postulate can be stated in the form of an equation as
Α operator .φ wave function = a constant (eigenvalue). φ. wave function

The state function,
, is given as a solution of ˆ H
,  where ˆ H is the operator for total energy, the Hamiltonian operator.

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