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Metallic conduction :-

 1. Conduction through metals is carried by the movement of electrons. 

2. No changes is observed in the chemical properties of the conductors. 

3. It does not involve any transfer of matter. 

4. The resistance of metals is due to obstacles of vibrating kernels of metal atoms.

 5. It shows increase in resistance with the increase in temperature. 

6. The conductivity of metals is generally high. 

Electrolytic conduction :-

1. Conduction through electrolytes is carried by movement of ions. 

2. It involves chemical change resulting in the decomposition of electrolytes.

 3. It involves the transfer of matter as ions. 

4. The resistance of the solution of electrolyte is due to factors like inter-ionic attraction viscosity of solvent etc. 

5. It shows decrease in resistance with the increase in temperature. 

6. The conductivity of electrolytic solution is generally low.

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